Reference tables are updated once every half-hour.
Reference tables contain information necessary for working with orders.
Access to reference tables is restricted by IP address (apart from currency rates and flexible commission rules tables which require authorization).
1. Countries
The reference table returns the list of countries.
listName – this element has ‘countries’ as a value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the country information. Element’s attributes: type="Country", row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – country id.
name – name of the country in English.
<item type="Country" row="1">
2. Regions
This reference table returns the list of regions.
listName – this element has ‘regions’ as a value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the region information. Element’s attributes: type="Region" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – region id.
name – region name.
prop name="Country" – country id.
<item type="Region" row="1">
<prop name="Country">1104</prop>
3. Cities
This reference table returns the list of cities.
listName – this element has ‘cities’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the city. Element’s attributes: type="City" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements: id – city id.
name – city name.
prop name="Country" – the element contains country id.
<item type="City" row="1">
<prop name="Country">136683</prop>
4. Hotels
The list of hotels. Includes information about hotel category (type), accommodation country and city.
listName – this element has ‘hotels’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the hotel. Element’s attributes: type="Hotel" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – hotel id.
name – hotel name.
prop name="type" – hotel type.
prop name="Region" – hotel’s region id.
prop name="Country" – hotel’s country id.
<item type="Hotel" row="165">
<prop name="type" type="string">2568</prop>
<prop name="Region">6027861</prop>
<prop name="Country">175276</prop>
5. Hotel Types
Possible hotel categories (“stars”).
listName – this element has ‘hotelTypes’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the information about the hotel type. Element’s attributes: type="HotelType" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – item’s id.
name – type name.
<item type="HotelType" row="1">
<name>Special Cat.</name>
6. Hotel Meals
Possible types of meals in hotels.
listName – value of ‘pansions’ element.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about hotel meals. Element’s attributes: type="Pansion" and row="item_number".
id – meal id.
name – meal name.
<item type="Pansion" row="1">
7. Stay (Accommodation) Types
Possible stay (accommodation) types in the tour.
listName – this element has ‘stayTypes’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about stay (accommodation) type. Element’s attributes: type="StayType" row="item_number".
id – stay type id.
name – stay type name.
<item type="StayType" row="1">
<name>1 ADULT</name>
8. Room Types
Possible room types.
listName – this element has ‘rooms’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the room type. Element’s attributes: type="Room" and row="item_number".
id – room type id.
name – room type name.
<item type="Room" row="1">
<name>Deluxe Land View</name>
9. "Hotel - Meal" Combination
Meal types available in a certain hotel. This reference table is necessary for processing the results of tour search.
listName – this element has ‘hotelPansions’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about meals in a hotel. Element’s attributes: type="HotelPansion" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – id.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="Pansion" – meal type id.
prop name="StartDate" type="date" – meal id. If parameter is not set, empty value is passed.
prop name="EndDate" type="date" – meal id. If parameter is not set, empty value is passed.
<item type="HotelPansion" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="Pansion">2424</prop>
<prop name="StartDate">
<prop name="EndDate">01.01.2013</prop>
10. "Hotel – Room type" Combination
Room types existing in a certain hotel.
listName – this element has ‘hotelRooms’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the room type in a hotel. Element’s attributes: type="HotelRoom" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements.
id – room type id in the specified hotel.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="Room" – room type id. It is necessary to give up the ‘name’ element because it has no meaning.
<item type="HotelRoom" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="Room">191485</prop>
11."Hotel - Meal - Room type" Combination
Room types and meal types existing in a certain hotel.
listName – this element has ‘hotelResources’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the combination values. Element’s attributes: type="HotelResource" and row="item_number".
id – combination id.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="HotelPansion" – meal id.
prop name="HotelRoom" – room type id.
<item type="HotelResource" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">5</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">10</prop>
12. Hotel Notes
Notes on hotels.
class – this element has ‘HotelTimeNote’ as value.
item-count – number of items in the reference table.
item class – the element containing information about the note. Includes nested elements:
id – note id.
endDate – note validity end date.
extraServiceTypeId – id of additional service type that is linked to the note.
hotelId – hotel id.
note – note text.
startDate – note validity start date.
type – note type name.
<item class="HotelTimeNote">
<note>Deluxe Sea View = Superior</note>
13. Hotel Stop Sales
Stop sales on hotels.
listName – this element has ‘hotelStops’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about stop sales. Element’s attributes: type="HotelStop" row="1".
id – hotel stop sale id.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – stop sale validity start date.
prop name="endDate" type="date" - stop sale validity end date.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="HotelPansion" – id of meal for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the meal is not specified.
prop name="HotelRoom" - id of room type for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the room type is not specified.
prop name="StayType" - id of stay type for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the stay type is not specified.
prop name="checkInFlag" – parameter that shows if stop sale is declared for check-in. If ‘1’ is passed – stop sale is declared for check in. If ‘0’ is passed – the stop sale isn’t declared for check-in.
excepts – dates for which stop sales are not valid. Includes nested elements:
value – date for which the stop sale is not valid.
<item type="HotelStop" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">16.12.2012</prop>
<prop name="endDate" type="date">19.12.2012</prop>
<prop name="Hotel">822</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">832615</prop>
<prop name="StayType">0</prop>
<prop name="checkInFlag">false</prop>
14. Stop Sales on Price Offers
Stop sales on price offers.
listName – this element has ‘spoStops’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing: type="SpoStop" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – stop sale id.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – check-in date for which the stop sale is valid. If it is not filled then stop sale is valid for all dates.
prop name="dateFrom" type="datetime" - date and time of stop sale start.
prop name="Spo" – SPO id.
prop name="Hotel" – id of the hotel for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="HotelPansion" – id of the meal for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="HotelRoom" – id of room type for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="StayType" – id of stay type for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="nightCount" type="int" – number of nights for which the stop sale is declared.
<item type="SpoStop" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">
<prop name="Spo">4163358</prop>
<prop name="Hotel">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">0</prop>
<prop name="StayType">0</prop>
<prop name="nightCount" type="int">0</prop>
15. Instant Confirmation
Instant confirmations.
listName – this element has ‘saleTasks’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – information about instant confirmation. Element’s attributes: type="SaleTask" row="1". Includes nested elements:
id – item number.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – offer start date.
prop name="endDate" type="date" – offer end date.
prop name="HotelRoom" – room type for which the offer is valid.
<item type="SaleTask" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">05.01.2013</prop>
<prop name="endDate" type="date">13.01.2013</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">6133</prop>
16. Airlines
List of airlines.
listName – this element has ‘aircompanies’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about airline. Element’s attributes: type="Aircompany" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – airline id.
name – airline name.
<item type="Aircompany" row="1">
<name>(TE) FLYLAL</name>
17. Airports
List of airports.
listName – this element has ‘airports’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – Element’s attributes: type="Airport" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – airport id.
name – airport name.
prop name="Country" – this element contains country id.
prop name="Region" – this element contains region id.
prop name="City" – this element contains city id.
<item type="Airport" row="1">
<name>ABU DHABI (AUH)</name>
<prop name="Country">7067149</prop>
<prop name="Region">7067153</prop>
<prop name="City">7000627</prop>
18. Aircraft Types
Existing aircraft types.
listName – this element has ‘aircraftTypes’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about aircraft type. Element’s attributes: type="AircraftType" row="item_number".
id – aircraft type id.
name – aircraft type name.
<item type="AircraftType" row="1">
19. Flights
Existing flights.
listName – this element has ‘flights’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about the flight. Element’s attributes: type="Flight" and row="item_number".
id – flight id.
prop name="departureAirport" – departure airport id.
prop name="arrivalAirport" – arrival airport id.
prop name="Aircompany" – airline id.
prop name="number" type="string" – flight number.
prop name="backFlight" – parameter that defines if the flight is departing to resort country or is returning from it.
<item type="Flight" row="1">
<prop name="departureAirport">664</prop>
<prop name="arrivalAirport">3676</prop>
<prop name="Aircompany">7000326</prop>
<prop name="number" type="string">TG960/BT102 </prop>
<prop name="backFlight">0</prop>
20. Flight Departures
Information about flight departures.
listName – this element has ‘flightDepartures’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about flight’s departure. Element’s attributes: type="FlightDeparture". Includes nested elements:
id – flight departure id.
prop name="Flight" – flight id.
prop name="departureAirport" – departure airport id.
prop name="arrivalAirport" – arrival airport id.
prop name="departureDatetime" type="datetime" – flight departure date and time.
prop name="arrivalDatetime" – flight arrival date and time.
prop name="aircraftTypeId" – aircraft type id.
<item type="FlightDeparture" row="1">
<prop name="Flight">294649</prop>
<prop name="departureAirport">359</prop>
<prop name="arrivalAirport">67314</prop>
<prop name="departureDatetime" type="datetime">06.11.2011 15:00</prop>
<prop name="arrivalDatetime" type="datetime">06.11.2011 15:00</prop>
<prop name="aircraftTypeId">14548</prop>
21. Seat Types
This reference table contains information about seat type classification in the aircraft.
listName – this element has ‘SeatType’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in reference table.
item – the element containing information about the seat type in the aircraft. Element’s attributes: type="SeatType". Includes nested elements:
id – id.
name – name.
<item type="SeatType" row="1">
22. Seats Availability
Seats availability depending on seat type.
listName – this element has ‘seatSets’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about seats availability. Element’s attributes: type="SeatSet" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – item id.
prop name="FlightDeparture" – flight departure id.
prop name="SeatTypeName" type="string" – seat type name.
prop name="SeatTypeId" type="string" – seat type id.
prop name="leftNumber" – text message on seat availability
<item type="SeatSet" row="1">
<prop name="FlightDeparture">581285</prop>
<prop name="SeatTypeName" type="string">Economy</prop>
<prop name="SeatTypeId" type="string">3</prop>
<prop name="leftNumber">ok</prop>
23. Region Sets
Existing region sets (also named ‘tours’, also named ‘SPO regions’).
listName – this element has ‘spoRegionSets’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about region set. Element’s ettributes: type="SpoRegionSet" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – region set id.
prop name="region1" – element contains id of the first region included in the region set.
prop name="region2" – element contains id of the second region included in the region set.
prop name="region3" - element contains id of the third region included in the region set.
<item type="SpoRegionSet" row="1">
<prop name="region1">304359</prop>
<prop name="region2">0</prop>
<prop name="region3">0</prop>
24. Gender
Tourist’s gender.
listName – this element has ‘genders’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about variants of addressing the tourist. Element’s attributes: type="Gender" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – address id.
name – address text.
<item type="Gender" row="1">
25. Currency
Existing currencies.
listName – this element has ‘currencies’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about currency. Element’s attributes: type="Currency" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – currency id.
name – currency name.
<item type="Currency" row="1">
26. Transfer Types
Existing transfer types.
listName – this element has ‘transferTypes’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about transfer. Element’s attributes: type="TransferType" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – transfer type id.
name – name.
<item type="TransferType" row="1">
27. Accommodation Type Age Groups
Existing age groups of tourists for accommodation type.
listName – this element has ‘groupTypeAges’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about age groups for accommodation type. Element’s attributes: type="GroupTypeAge" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – accommodation type age group id.
prop name="adultCount" type="int" – number of adults in the group.
prop name="smallChildCount" type="int" – number of small children in the group.
prop name="bigChildCount" type="int" – number of big children in the group.
prop name="infantAge" type="int" – age at which the child gets into infants category for this group.
prop name="smallChildAge" type="int" – age at which the child gets into small children category for this group.
prop name="bigChildAge" type="int" - age at which the child gets into big children category for this group.
<item type="GroupTypeAge" row="1">
<prop name="adultCount" type="int">
<prop name="smallChildCount" type="int">
<prop name="bigChildCount" type="int">
<prop name="infantAge" type="int">
<prop name="smallChildAge" type="int">
<prop name="bigChildAge" type="int">
28. Flexible Commission Rules
Information on flexible commission rules. The reference table is available only after authorization.
creationDate – rule creation date.
dateFrom – rule start date.
dateTo – rule end date.
name – rule name.
description – rule description.
checkInFrom – check-in interval start date.
checkInTo - check-in interval end date.
daysBeforeCheckIn – days before check-in.
countryId - country.
withoutFly – handling only.
arrivalCityId – arrival city.
departureCityId – departure city.
fixed – is the commission fixed or not.
commission – commission %.
commissionMax – maximum possible commission.
partialPaidDays – number of days for partial payment.
partialPaidValidPercent - % of partial payment.
hotels – hotels for which the rules apply.
<flexCommission id="301">
<creationDate>10.12.2012 14:42</creationDate>
<name>CUBA PETERSBURG 21 days in advance+1% Check-ins 12/01-31/03</name>
<description>Bookings up to 21 days before check-in date and payment within 3 days – 1% additionally.</description>
29. Currency Rates
This service requires authorization. Returns currency rate for the specified day.
The following parameters are used in the query:
currFrom- primary currency id. Can be determined by using ‘Currency’ reference table.
currTo – id of currency in which the currency rate is shown.
rateDate – date for which the rate is needed.
Results contain the following information:
date - date,
currFromName – English name of currency in which the rate is shown.
currFromCode – currency code.
currToName – English name of currency for which the rate is shown.
currToCode – currency code.
value - rate.
Reference tables are updated once every half-hour.
Reference tables contain information necessary for working with orders.
Access to reference tables is restricted by IP address (apart from currency rates and flexible commission rules tables which require authorization).
1. Countries
The reference table returns the list of countries.
listName – this element has ‘countries’ as a value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the country information. Element’s attributes: type="Country", row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – country id.
name – name of the country in English.
<item type="Country" row="1">
2. Regions
This reference table returns the list of regions.
listName – this element has ‘regions’ as a value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the region information. Element’s attributes: type="Region" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – region id.
name – region name.
prop name="Country" – country id.
<item type="Region" row="1">
<prop name="Country">1104</prop>
3. Cities
This reference table returns the list of cities.
listName – this element has ‘cities’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the city. Element’s attributes: type="City" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements: id – city id.
name – city name.
prop name="Country" – the element contains country id.
<item type="City" row="1">
<prop name="Country">136683</prop>
4. Hotels
The list of hotels. Includes information about hotel category (type), accommodation country and city.
listName – this element has ‘hotels’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the hotel. Element’s attributes: type="Hotel" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – hotel id.
name – hotel name.
prop name="type" – hotel type.
prop name="Region" – hotel’s region id.
prop name="Country" – hotel’s country id.
<item type="Hotel" row="165">
<prop name="type" type="string">2568</prop>
<prop name="Region">6027861</prop>
<prop name="Country">175276</prop>
5. Hotel Types
Possible hotel categories (“stars”).
listName – this element has ‘hotelTypes’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the information about the hotel type. Element’s attributes: type="HotelType" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – item’s id.
name – type name.
<item type="HotelType" row="1">
<name>Special Cat.</name>
6. Hotel Meals
Possible types of meals in hotels.
listName – value of ‘pansions’ element.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about hotel meals. Element’s attributes: type="Pansion" and row="item_number".
id – meal id.
name – meal name.
<item type="Pansion" row="1">
7. Stay (Accommodation) Types
Possible stay (accommodation) types in the tour.
listName – this element has ‘stayTypes’ as value.
itemCount - number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about stay (accommodation) type. Element’s attributes: type="StayType" row="item_number".
id – stay type id.
name – stay type name.
<item type="StayType" row="1">
<name>1 ADULT</name>
8. Room Types
Possible room types.
listName – this element has ‘rooms’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the room type. Element’s attributes: type="Room" and row="item_number".
id – room type id.
name – room type name.
<item type="Room" row="1">
<name>Deluxe Land View</name>
9. "Hotel - Meal" Combination
Meal types available in a certain hotel. This reference table is necessary for processing the results of tour search.
listName – this element has ‘hotelPansions’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about meals in a hotel. Element’s attributes: type="HotelPansion" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – id.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="Pansion" – meal type id.
prop name="StartDate" type="date" – meal id. If parameter is not set, empty value is passed.
prop name="EndDate" type="date" – meal id. If parameter is not set, empty value is passed.
<item type="HotelPansion" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="Pansion">2424</prop>
<prop name="StartDate">
<prop name="EndDate">01.01.2013</prop>
10. "Hotel – Room type" Combination
Room types existing in a certain hotel.
listName – this element has ‘hotelRooms’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about the room type in a hotel. Element’s attributes: type="HotelRoom" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements.
id – room type id in the specified hotel.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="Room" – room type id. It is necessary to give up the ‘name’ element because it has no meaning.
<item type="HotelRoom" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="Room">191485</prop>
11."Hotel - Meal - Room type" Combination
Room types and meal types existing in a certain hotel.
listName – this element has ‘hotelResources’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing the combination values. Element’s attributes: type="HotelResource" and row="item_number".
id – combination id.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="HotelPansion" – meal id.
prop name="HotelRoom" – room type id.
<item type="HotelResource" row="1">
<prop name="Hotel">9009820</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">5</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">10</prop>
12. Hotel Notes
Notes on hotels.
class – this element has ‘HotelTimeNote’ as value.
item-count – number of items in the reference table.
item class – the element containing information about the note. Includes nested elements:
id – note id.
endDate – note validity end date.
extraServiceTypeId – id of additional service type that is linked to the note.
hotelId – hotel id.
note – note text.
startDate – note validity start date.
type – note type name.
<item class="HotelTimeNote">
<note>Deluxe Sea View = Superior</note>
13. Hotel Stop Sales
Stop sales on hotels.
listName – this element has ‘hotelStops’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about stop sales. Element’s attributes: type="HotelStop" row="1".
id – hotel stop sale id.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – stop sale validity start date.
prop name="endDate" type="date" - stop sale validity end date.
prop name="Hotel" – hotel id.
prop name="HotelPansion" – id of meal for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the meal is not specified.
prop name="HotelRoom" - id of room type for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the room type is not specified.
prop name="StayType" - id of stay type for which the stop sale is declared. If the value is ‘0’ the stay type is not specified.
prop name="checkInFlag" – parameter that shows if stop sale is declared for check-in. If ‘1’ is passed – stop sale is declared for check in. If ‘0’ is passed – the stop sale isn’t declared for check-in.
excepts – dates for which stop sales are not valid. Includes nested elements:
value – date for which the stop sale is not valid.
<item type="HotelStop" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">16.12.2012</prop>
<prop name="endDate" type="date">19.12.2012</prop>
<prop name="Hotel">822</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">832615</prop>
<prop name="StayType">0</prop>
<prop name="checkInFlag">false</prop>
14. Stop Sales on Price Offers
Stop sales on price offers.
listName – this element has ‘spoStops’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing: type="SpoStop" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – stop sale id.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – check-in date for which the stop sale is valid. If it is not filled then stop sale is valid for all dates.
prop name="dateFrom" type="datetime" - date and time of stop sale start.
prop name="Spo" – SPO id.
prop name="Hotel" – id of the hotel for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="HotelPansion" – id of the meal for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="HotelRoom" – id of room type for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="StayType" – id of stay type for which the stop sale is declared.
prop name="nightCount" type="int" – number of nights for which the stop sale is declared.
<item type="SpoStop" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">
<prop name="Spo">4163358</prop>
<prop name="Hotel">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelPansion">0</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">0</prop>
<prop name="StayType">0</prop>
<prop name="nightCount" type="int">0</prop>
15. Instant Confirmation
Instant confirmations.
listName – this element has ‘saleTasks’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – information about instant confirmation. Element’s attributes: type="SaleTask" row="1". Includes nested elements:
id – item number.
prop name="startDate" type="date" – offer start date.
prop name="endDate" type="date" – offer end date.
prop name="HotelRoom" – room type for which the offer is valid.
<item type="SaleTask" row="1">
<prop name="startDate" type="date">05.01.2013</prop>
<prop name="endDate" type="date">13.01.2013</prop>
<prop name="HotelRoom">6133</prop>
16. Airlines
List of airlines.
listName – this element has ‘aircompanies’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about airline. Element’s attributes: type="Aircompany" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – airline id.
name – airline name.
<item type="Aircompany" row="1">
<name>(TE) FLYLAL</name>
17. Airports
List of airports.
listName – this element has ‘airports’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – Element’s attributes: type="Airport" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – airport id.
name – airport name.
prop name="Country" – this element contains country id.
prop name="Region" – this element contains region id.
prop name="City" – this element contains city id.
<item type="Airport" row="1">
<name>ABU DHABI (AUH)</name>
<prop name="Country">7067149</prop>
<prop name="Region">7067153</prop>
<prop name="City">7000627</prop>
18. Aircraft Types
Existing aircraft types.
listName – this element has ‘aircraftTypes’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about aircraft type. Element’s attributes: type="AircraftType" row="item_number".
id – aircraft type id.
name – aircraft type name.
<item type="AircraftType" row="1">
19. Flights
Existing flights.
listName – this element has ‘flights’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about the flight. Element’s attributes: type="Flight" and row="item_number".
id – flight id.
prop name="departureAirport" – departure airport id.
prop name="arrivalAirport" – arrival airport id.
prop name="Aircompany" – airline id.
prop name="number" type="string" – flight number.
prop name="backFlight" – parameter that defines if the flight is departing to resort country or is returning from it.
<item type="Flight" row="1">
<prop name="departureAirport">664</prop>
<prop name="arrivalAirport">3676</prop>
<prop name="Aircompany">7000326</prop>
<prop name="number" type="string">TG960/BT102 </prop>
<prop name="backFlight">0</prop>
20. Flight Departures
Information about flight departures.
listName – this element has ‘flightDepartures’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – element containing information about flight’s departure. Element’s attributes: type="FlightDeparture". Includes nested elements:
id – flight departure id.
prop name="Flight" – flight id.
prop name="departureAirport" – departure airport id.
prop name="arrivalAirport" – arrival airport id.
prop name="departureDatetime" type="datetime" – flight departure date and time.
prop name="arrivalDatetime" – flight arrival date and time.
prop name="aircraftTypeId" – aircraft type id.
<item type="FlightDeparture" row="1">
<prop name="Flight">294649</prop>
<prop name="departureAirport">359</prop>
<prop name="arrivalAirport">67314</prop>
<prop name="departureDatetime" type="datetime">06.11.2011 15:00</prop>
<prop name="arrivalDatetime" type="datetime">06.11.2011 15:00</prop>
<prop name="aircraftTypeId">14548</prop>
21. Seat Types
This reference table contains information about seat type classification in the aircraft.
listName – this element has ‘SeatType’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in reference table.
item – the element containing information about the seat type in the aircraft. Element’s attributes: type="SeatType". Includes nested elements:
id – id.
name – name.
<item type="SeatType" row="1">
22. Seats Availability
Seats availability depending on seat type.
listName – this element has ‘seatSets’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about seats availability. Element’s attributes: type="SeatSet" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – item id.
prop name="FlightDeparture" – flight departure id.
prop name="SeatTypeName" type="string" – seat type name.
prop name="SeatTypeId" type="string" – seat type id.
prop name="leftNumber" – text message on seat availability
<item type="SeatSet" row="1">
<prop name="FlightDeparture">581285</prop>
<prop name="SeatTypeName" type="string">Economy</prop>
<prop name="SeatTypeId" type="string">3</prop>
<prop name="leftNumber">ok</prop>
23. Region Sets
Existing region sets (also named ‘tours’, also named ‘SPO regions’).
listName – this element has ‘spoRegionSets’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about region set. Element’s ettributes: type="SpoRegionSet" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – region set id.
prop name="region1" – element contains id of the first region included in the region set.
prop name="region2" – element contains id of the second region included in the region set.
prop name="region3" - element contains id of the third region included in the region set.
<item type="SpoRegionSet" row="1">
<prop name="region1">304359</prop>
<prop name="region2">0</prop>
<prop name="region3">0</prop>
24. Gender
Tourist’s gender.
listName – this element has ‘genders’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about variants of addressing the tourist. Element’s attributes: type="Gender" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – address id.
name – address text.
<item type="Gender" row="1">
25. Currency
Existing currencies.
listName – this element has ‘currencies’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about currency. Element’s attributes: type="Currency" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – currency id.
name – currency name.
<item type="Currency" row="1">
26. Transfer Types
Existing transfer types.
listName – this element has ‘transferTypes’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about transfer. Element’s attributes: type="TransferType" row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – transfer type id.
name – name.
<item type="TransferType" row="1">
27. Accommodation Type Age Groups
Existing age groups of tourists for accommodation type.
listName – this element has ‘groupTypeAges’ as value.
itemCount – number of items in the reference table.
item – the element containing information about age groups for accommodation type. Element’s attributes: type="GroupTypeAge" and row="item_number". Includes nested elements:
id – accommodation type age group id.
prop name="adultCount" type="int" – number of adults in the group.
prop name="smallChildCount" type="int" – number of small children in the group.
prop name="bigChildCount" type="int" – number of big children in the group.
prop name="infantAge" type="int" – age at which the child gets into infants category for this group.
prop name="smallChildAge" type="int" – age at which the child gets into small children category for this group.
prop name="bigChildAge" type="int" - age at which the child gets into big children category for this group.
<item type="GroupTypeAge" row="1">
<prop name="adultCount" type="int">
<prop name="smallChildCount" type="int">
<prop name="bigChildCount" type="int">
<prop name="infantAge" type="int">
<prop name="smallChildAge" type="int">
<prop name="bigChildAge" type="int">
28. Flexible Commission Rules
Information on flexible commission rules. The reference table is available only after authorization.
creationDate – rule creation date.
dateFrom – rule start date.
dateTo – rule end date.
name – rule name.
description – rule description.
checkInFrom – check-in interval start date.
checkInTo - check-in interval end date.
daysBeforeCheckIn – days before check-in.
countryId - country.
withoutFly – handling only.
arrivalCityId – arrival city.
departureCityId – departure city.
fixed – is the commission fixed or not.
commission – commission %.
commissionMax – maximum possible commission.
partialPaidDays – number of days for partial payment.
partialPaidValidPercent - % of partial payment.
hotels – hotels for which the rules apply.
<flexCommission id="301">
<creationDate>10.12.2012 14:42</creationDate>
<name>CUBA PETERSBURG 21 days in advance+1% Check-ins 12/01-31/03</name>
<description>Bookings up to 21 days before check-in date and payment within 3 days – 1% additionally.</description>
29. Currency Rates
This service requires authorization. Returns currency rate for the specified day.
The following parameters are used in the query:
currFrom- primary currency id. Can be determined by using ‘Currency’ reference table.
currTo – id of currency in which the currency rate is shown.
rateDate – date for which the rate is needed.
Results contain the following information:
date - date,
currFromName – English name of currency in which the rate is shown.
currFromCode – currency code.
currToName – English name of currency for which the rate is shown.
currToCode – currency code.
value - rate.