XML gate provides capability to integrate TEZ TOUR services with client software.
Authorization is required to work with the gate. Using tour search in XML or JSON format you can find a suitable offer. Services for working with orders allow you to prepare your order in format necessary for booking, perform its initial calculation including the calculation of additional services and allow you to make a booking. Later, you can at any time get information on your booked orders. Data required for working with orders via xml gate is stored in reference tables. Also you can get current price offers and track changes to them via the gate.
Access to gate is limited (only tour search is accessible without restrictions on IP and authorization) and is granted only upon request from agency’s curator.
All data in the gate are transmitted in UTF-8 encoding.
Recent changes
21.03.2013 Attention! When booking the orders the verification of mandatory linking of all tourists to all services of the order is no longer performed.
DS attribute containing the description of price offer was removed from the following price offers lists http://xml.tez-tour.com/xmlgate/price/spo/list.xml and http://xml.tez-tour.com/xmlgate/price/spo/countryList.xml. The description can still be obtained using http://xml.tez-tour.com/xmlgate/price/spo/%spoId%.xml service.
07.02.2013 Price offers updates have been stopped in http://book.tez-tour.com/book/xmlgate/refItems.jsp?class=Spo and http://book.tez-tour.com/book/vc/xml/reference?listName=spos services. Please use the new version of gate at http://xml.tez-tour.com/xmlgate/price/spo/%spoId%.xml
24.01.2013 New version of gate is launched.
In case you have not found the answers to your questions in the documentation, please contact the support service.
If you have problems with gate authorization, in your message please specify IP address you are using.