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Египет, Эль Гуна Показать на карте (002 065) 354 51 60 (002 065) 354 45 01 www.moevenpick-elgouna.com



36 km from Hurghada airport, 1 km from the center of El Gouna, on the very shore of the lagoon


Opened in 1996, partial renovation takes place every year.

The hotel consists of a main 2-story building (reception only) and a complex of 2-4-story buildings.

Total 420 rooms:

Classic Room  (Garden View, bedroom, bathroom, terrace or balcony, 40 m2, max. 2+1 or 3 hours),

Deluxe Garden View (Garden View, bedroom, bathroom, terrace or balcony, 40 m2, max. 2+1 or 3 hours),

Deluxe Lagoon View (Lagoon View, bedroom, bathroom, terrace or balcony, 40 m2, max. 2+1 or 3 hours),

Deluxe Sea View (Sea View, bedroom, bathroom, terrace or balcony, 40 m2, max. 2+1 or 3 hours),

Family Room (Lagoon / Pool View, duplex, balcony, 50 m2, max. 2+2 or 3+1 hours),

Deluxe Suite (Lagoon / Sea Side View, bedroom, living room, bathroom, terrace or balcony, 72 m2, max. 2+2 or 3+1 hours),

There are also connected rooms, non-smoking rooms and rooms for the disabled (on request).


Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club 

Pets allowed: no

Типы номеров


Прикрепленные файлы


Family Suite located at the Spa Area


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